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Black Marble


Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Slow down. Rest. Appreciate silence. This sounds so simple but if it were as simple as it seems why aren’t we better at doing it?

The Holy Scriptures encourage us to rest. We see it first mentioned in Genesis 2:7 and all throughout the Bible:

- Psalms 37:7

- Matthew 11:28

- Hebrews 4:9-11

- Psalms 127:2

We are called to stillness yet we struggle to do this very thing. Why do we do this? Is it because we feel more valuable when we are doing more? Is it because we are uncomfortable with silence? Is it because we feel unproductive when we rest?

Perhaps it’s a bit of all of these things.

There is a great benefit to rest but an even greater benefit to resting in the Lord. We don’t have to do anything to be valued by God. He loves us right now as we are. We don’t have to make noise to hear the Holy Spirit. His voice will become louder as we sit and listen. We don’t have to feel guilty for choosing rest. Jesus’ blood removed guilt and shame once and for all.

Rest is not optional. It’s where we are revitalized. It’s where we are recharged. Most importantly though it’s where we trust God that even in our wildly busy world He is in control. To rest is to be obedient.

Fight for stillness. Celebrate simplicity. Renounce busyness. Let’s pursue more moments of quiet beauty, slow seasons, contentment and thankfulness.

We don’t have to go, go, go to be successful. We don’t have to run after achievements. We can live from a posture of rest. So slow down. Sit still. Draw nearer to God. Obedience is better than sacrifice and we have been guilty of sacrificing rest on the altar of activity. We can choose the better option.

Find rest in Jesus. Let him guide what you say “yes” to. Enjoy a new level of peace. He will always be your best choice!


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