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Black Marble


Updated: Jun 13, 2023

I’m a Christian.

I’m friends with fellow believers.

I’m friends with people who hold other faiths.

I’m friends with pro-life supporters.

I’m friends with pro-choice supporters.

I’m friends with lots of beautiful people of the LGBTQ+ community.

I’m friends with affluent individuals.

I’m friends with individuals struggling in poverty.

I’ve shared meals in mansions.

I’ve eaten street food with the homeless.

I’ve had lots of conversations with people living in difficult situations.

I have friends who share the same faith and beliefs as me and I have friends who don’t believe what I believe. That’s a beautiful reality.

I’m not a fan of cancel culture or if we disagree just unfriend or unfollow me. I’m a fan of love. I’m a fan of seeing everyone no matter what like Jesus does.

So if you find yourself at odds, if you find yourself in the midst of a disagreement take a humble posture. Listen to their words. Share your thoughts with integrity. Value one another.

My friends know where I stand but they also know I am a firm believer in upholding the Word of God. They know they can talk to me even if it means we won’t see eye to eye. We need to be that for each other.

God is love. Jesus died for EVERYONE. Are we loving and living out that truth?

If not, then let’s start today. Try to listen to the cries of those who don’t see like you see. Listen without motive. Listen with compassion and empathy. Offer your time and your heart. It really does make a difference!


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