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Black Marble


Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Growing up I wanted to be famous. I would practice my autograph until my hands hurt. I would spend hours in my garage practicing my dance moves for the world tour I was certain God had in the cards for me.

Even after getting married and having children a bit of this desire remained. The desire for notoriety and the longing to be known stuck around. I was so consumed with my life meaning something that I was missing the biggest calling of all. To simply be a daughter of God.

I grew up in church. I sang hymns. I recited scripture. I attended church camp. You would think I was secure in the knowledge of my identity in Christ. Those things help us on the journey to Kingdom discovery but they don’t dictate the outcome.

It wasn’t until I really truly became dependent on Jesus that this started to take root. Time spent listening to worship music, studying His Word and in fellowship with other believers provided an aid in this journey but true dependence came as things I held with a closed fist began to loosen.

Somewhere in the fellowship of the cross my grip began to let go. I began to desire what God has for my life not what I thought I wanted. The desire to be known was replaced with secure identity as a child of God. The desire for notoriety was replaced with an eternally minded perspective.

I don’t want to be famous. I want to be faithful. I want to know Jesus in all His majesty and I want to be fully known by Him. I don’t need to be a household name or sign autographs. I need to run to Him, long for Him and fall even more in love with Him.

This is spiritual maturity. Not the fullness of spiritual maturity but the adventure that is progress with heavenly purpose.

Those childhood dreams were fun but desire to be closer to Jesus has produced more good fruit in my life than I ever imagined. God gives good things to His children. Good things that are contrary to what the world says are good. Good things that benefit others. Good things that advance the Gospel.

So while people may not be asking for my autograph I rest in the assurance that my name is written in the Book of Life and so is yours!


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