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Every year I try to set a reading goal. Whether or not I reach that goal is another story, haha. I decided to aim for 24 books, that's only 2 books a month. Seems simple enough right?

Finding time to read is hard for anyone. Life gets busy. We have ongoing responsibilities, to-do lists, and those fun random circumstances that pop up demanding what little free time we did have. One big way that I have shifted my reading game is audiobooks. While I'm a total purist who LOVES holding a physical book, there are some seasons that just don't have the ability to sit and hold an open book.

I used to act like audiobook listeners weren't "actual" readers. Then I found myself in the throws of motherhood, work and travel. I was driving cross country with a sleeping kiddo in the backseat. I had listened to every single podcast I was subscribed to, literally every episode from every podcast that I was following. It was then that I remembered an app recommendation from a fellow homeschool momma, HOOPLA, where you could listen to 5 audiobooks a month for free. I downloaded and setup an account at the next stop. I was shocked at how many good titles I saw on the app. By the time we arrived back at home in South Texas I had listened to two books that I had been wanting to read for a while. It was in this moment that I was hooked.

I can listen to an audiobook while I'm getting dressed, driving, washing dishes, putting away laundry, etc. While I do enjoy to freedom audiobooks allows, I still gravitate to physical copies. What I have chosen to do is make a list of "must reads" or save titles as friends recommend them. Then if the book is available on my HOOPLA app I will listen to it. If it isn't then I will purchase a physical copy. This has been very beneficial because several of the books I have listened to this year through the app are $14+/per book on Amazon. The ability to enjoy a book I've been wanting to dive into while saving money is a total win in my book.

Okay, I've rambled on long enough. Here is what I've read so far in my 2023 reading challenge, what books I've loved and which ones I wasn't super impressed by and why.

14 out of 24 Books

(only 10 books to go to meet my goal)

- I genuinely enjoyed this book but I do feel it lends itself better to women newly walking out biblical womanhood and singleness. With that said, it was a great reminder of God given femininity. It was an easy read full of fun stories and relatable content.

- This was such a wonderful book. It is full of wisdom, godly conviction and challenged me to rediscover God's heart towards us as sinners. This book beautifully illustrates the nature of God. 9 out of 10 would recommend.

- The book of Revelation has always been a favorite of mine. Nancy Guthrie does a fantastic job presenting the entire book of Revelation and how it pertains to us as Christians today in the here and now. The book was easy to follow, full of truth and very practical. This may be one of my top ten books to date.

- Timothy Keller did a wonderful job explaining true Gospel-centered humility. The book is tiny yet mighty in righteousness. He exposes our ego driven nature and speaks life into a transformed sense of self. At less than 50 pages this book is a quick and beneficial read to every modern day Christian.

- We have heard countless teachings on the Ten Commandments but Jen Wilkin's introduces a practical application to how the ten laws apply to our lives today. This book is thoroughly enjoyable and rests on solid theological teaching. Her approach to bringing cultural elements to the forefront brings this Old Testament account to life in a fresh and revelatory way.

- This is hands down the best book I have read this year! The book dives into a biblical response to gender identity issues, sex, abortion, idolatry and feminism in our society. The statistics shared are solid but the truth of the Gospel is even more important and the author does a beautiful job explaining that.

- Me, me, me. How often do I get wrapped up in thinking of myself more than others and worse more than God? This book was convicting yet encouraging. It's all about humbling ourselves and renouncing the agenda of self we have been influenced by. Jen Oshman does a lovely job delivering such a hard truth.

- For decades I grew up watching and loving the Duggar family. Then as we all know trauma and wrongdoings were exposed. I continued to wonder about some of my favorite family members of the show like Jinger. Her book of disentangling the teachings of Bill Gothard from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a great read. She shares her journey while avoiding bashing her family or being disrespectful to those still trapped in that harmful environment.

09. Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

(I didn't link this book because honestly it felt like a waste of time to me)

- Are there good and biblical principles in this book? Yes. Are there harmful and biased perspectives portrayed as sound logic in this book? Also yes. I can see why people both love and hate this book. Many of the teachings when done without Christ at its core can be harmful. However, the concept of loving and respecting your spouse is important. I will say that I struggled to finish this book not because of its message but due to the text. It felt repetitive and unnecessarily critical.

10. Long Days of Small Things by Catherine McNeil

(Another that I didn't link because it felt like it lacked substance)

- I really wanted to love this book. After nearly a decade, having a baby in the home again has ignited a love for motherhood books. This one is easy to read but lacks more than it offers in my opinion. On the flip side I appreciated that the author recognized both biological and adoptive mothers. Most motherhood books ignore those of us who met out precious baby in the adoption room.

- I adore a good book on biblical womanhood. This one did a great job on speaking to the God given blessing of being a woman. It speaks to the Bible as a whole guiding us and not regulating us to the scriptures directly related to women. It is a call to be fully equipped on all fronts of our identity in Christ. It wasn't the most exciting book but it was an enjoyable read.

- Nancy Guthrie has quickly become one of my favorite authors. The way she presents how closely and dearly the Lord draws near during hard times is so relatable. She doesn't shy away from talking about the hard things we will all face and the situations we may not all encounter but some will. Her thoughts always point back to the goodness of God even in the midst of our trials and tribulations.

- Everyone needs to own and read a copy of this book. The parallels of the biblical shepherd to that of the duties in modern day shepherding is poetically beautiful. While the book is a smaller read it is filled to the brim with captivating stories, interesting facts and was written thoughtfully. Buy this book. You won't regret it.

- Very rarely does an author write so bluntly and graciously as Rebekah Merkle did in this book. She spoke to the historical rise of feminism in a way that was gut wrenching and inspiring. While the book felt tailored more to the woman who has not chosen to work outside of the home, it is one of the most impactful and influential books I have ever read. I may not agree 100% with everything shared but I stand by the majority and give this one a 10 out of 10!


There it is...every book I have finished this year. I would like to note that I have started countless others but within a chapter or two couldn't go on. There is no shame in putting down a book that goes against your Christian values or that throws up red flags. Walk away from that one and grab another one.

I still have 10 more books to go so let me know some of your favorites by leaving a comment. I need some good recommendations. Thanks in advance!



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