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Black Marble


Updated: Jun 13, 2023

If you are more concerned with serving in the church than serving your family you are doing it wrong!

Over the years I’ve seen people serve selflessly and enthusiastically within the church while their family/home life suffered. They get so enthralled with serving the Lord’s house and people that they don’t even realize they are pulling an Abraham. They are sacrificing their families on the altar of ministry when the Lord has provided a ram.

Don’t misunderstand me. Serving in your local church is truly wonderful. It’s a big part of our lives as Christians. However, when your marriage is crumbling and your children get your scraps something is off.

We have to tend to our households and THEN tend to the flock. This is possible and honestly vital to a healthy church as a whole. The biological family and the Kingdom family were meant to coexist and work together not against one another.

How do we fix this before it gets out of hand?

We love those within our homes well. We are present and thoughtful with the time we spend together. We invest in our marriages. We listen to our children. We cultivate atmospheres within our own four walls that inevitably spill out into serving others.

Am I telling you to stop serving in your church? Absolutely not. Am I telling you to be mindful how you spend your time? Yes. Have we done it right as a family ourselves? Not always.

We used to be so about church service that we would give each other what was left over. We were tired. When we started showing Jesus to each other as our own family unit first we noticed something. We were serving more passionately. We were loving the flock more righteously. We weren’t tired but ignited to do it more.

Do not separate family time from church time. Involve your family in ministry. Don’t walk away or go so far that you sacrifice church on the altar of making your family an idol. It takes balance and a blueprint from God’s own heart.

Seek Jesus. Get His vision and heart on the matter. I promise you this will change the game with how you serve in the future.


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